
Taking a boat trip is ideal for a surfer, to do it in the Maldives can be defined as perfect. Faultless, glazed waves at a temperature of 28/30° c all year round. The best period is from March to October when the monsoon starts to turn in the south - southwest direction, the resulting swells create conditions for perfect waves. Waves that measure from 1 to 5 mt. July and August is the perfect time for the bigest waves. Upon your arrival on board, once the cabins are assigned, we do a presentation and safety surf briefing, then we begin to attach fins and leashes to the boards so that we are ready when we reach the first surf spot and we can finally throw ourselves in. 


Another one of my passions! The first time that I climbed on a board, at sunset, in the “tre ponti” area near Livorno (Leghorn), I was thunderstruck. Below me I saw seagrass, damselfish and sea urchins, but in my mind I was already in the Maldives, imagining what I would be seeing paddling across the reef. I'll let you imagine what it felt like the first time that dolphins swam under me. The feeling that I always get is that of padling above an aquarium with a top-down perspective. Now the board is my favourite companion on the surface, everywhere I go, I move about the deserted islands enjoying landscapes and silences. I look at the waves from close range, but personally I leave them to the surfers. There are many people that have fun on a sup between the waves.